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Blackboard Essentials: Grade Center

Blackboard Essentials for Instructors

Grade Book

Grade Center

Screen Shot of a portion of the Blackboard Grade Center

The Grade Center (also called Grade Book) in Blackboard looks something like a spreadsheet. Each row represents one student, and each column represents a piece of information about students (such as Last Name) or grades for a particular assignment (such as Unit 2 Quiz) . You can click inside any cell to see a particular student's submissions for a particular unit of work, adjust the grade, view grading history, and more.

Most of the columns in the Grade Center are created automatically when you create gradable work (assignments, tests, or gradable discussion board forums) in other parts of the course. In addition, you can manually create one or more columns to hold grades for work students submit to you outside of Blackboard, such as on paper or by email. A Total and a Weighted Total column are included by default, which you can use to calculate the overall course grade for each student. 

To access the Grade Center, locate the Grade Center entry in the Course Management Menu and click on it, then click on "Full Grade Center." 

Screen shot of the Blackboard Course Management Menu with the entry point for Full Grade Center highlighted


The Total Points Column

A column named "Total Points" is automatically included in the Grade Center. It automatically adds up the total number of points earned by each student in all of the columns that represent gradable work. If you grade by total points, you can use this column to determine each student's overall grade in the course. Calculating grades this way assumes that the total number of points possible for each test, assignment, or discussion board forum represents that item's weight in the total grading scheme. That being the case, simply adding up the total number of points earned gives the numerical value that determines each students letter grade for the course.


The Weighted Total Column

The Weighted Total column is more complicated to use than the Total Points column, but is also more powerful and flexible. This grading method assumes that grades on individual assignments are mostly recorded as percentages rather than points. You can edit the Weighted Total column to specify how much grading weight to give to each column or each group of columns (called a category), and Blackboard does all the arithmetic for you. 

Help Links

CLICK HERE to visit Blackboard's general Help page about the Grade Center.

CLICK HERE to visit Blackboard's Help page about the Total Points column.

CLICK HERE to visit Blackboard's Help page about Weighted columns