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Loyola University Online Course Standards

Online Course Review Rubric

Loyola University New Orleans
Online Course Approval Rubric
Updated December 2017




Course Information

Course ID:

Course Title:


Reviewed By:


1. Standard Content Areas


_____At a minimum, each course includes the following Content Areas in Canvas.


A. Course Information

1) Announcements (set as default landing page for all courses)

2) Syllabus and Course Schedule

3) Orientation (This provides a brief walk through the course navigation and layout)

B. Content

1) Learning Modules

2) Discussion Boards

a. One open discussion board forum where students can post questions about course

3) Assignments (optional)

C. Tools

1) Calendar

2) My Grades

3) Library Resources (Library Resources should also be integrated into weekly Learning Modules)

4) A HELP link pointing to:

**Additionally: Default online banners can be replaced by instructors to be more course specific. However, Loyola University affiliation must remain clear.


2. Course Shell Template

The course design follows best practices for online courses (must fulfill all requirements)

_____ Syllabus uploaded follows current template guidelines, including accommodations statement (see University template at

_____ Each week/unit is clearly labeled

_____ Unit overviews, readings, materials, and assignments are logically arranged and easy to  navigate

_____ All learning objectives are stated clearly and written from the student’s perspective[1]

_____ Quizzes, assignments, and discussion boards have clear descriptions and instructions

_____ The course grading policy is clearly stated[2]

Comments on Course Shell Template:


3. Student Feedback

_____ The Instructor’s plan for timely feedback on assignments is clearly stated (required)[3]

The course gives students opportunities for feedback throughout the term (at least one is required)

_____ Instructor email

_____ Instructor phone number

_____ Open-ended discussion board

_____ Virtual office hours

_____ Other:

Comments on Student Feedback:


4. Student Engagement

The course provides regular (at least weekly) opportunity for student-to-student and/or student-to-instructor engagement (at least one is required)

_____ Discussion board

_____ Blog

_____ Shared document markup

_____ Conference call

_____ Video chat

_____ Webconferencing

_____ In-person class meeting

_____ Other:

Comments on Student Engagement:


5. Learning Tasks

At least two types of assessed learning tasks are deployed in the course.  Additional, non-assessed tasks to support student learning may also be included here (at least two are required)

_____ Quiz/Exam

_____ Essay/Paper

_____ Short essay/Short Answer

_____ Worksheet

_____ Problem set

_____ Discussion board post

_____ Blog post

_____ Research project

_____ Other:


6. Exceptions to Learning Tasks

If, due to learning outcomes or course content, it is not possible to fulfill the requirement in item #5 above, then please note and explain below.


Comments on Learning Tasks


7. Instructor Availability

The instructor’s role and availability are clearly communicated and responsive to the needs of students


8. Technical Support

The appropriate contact information for technical support, library, and access issues is listed


9. Online Educational Tutorial

The course includes a link to the online education tutorial in Canvas


Course Recommended for:

_____ Approval

_____ Revision and resubmission




[1]                  Quality Matters 2.3

[2]                  Quality Matters Rubric 3.2

[3]                  Quality Matters 5.3