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Distance Learning Services

Information for students in distance learning courses and programs.

Using ILLiad

In order to use ILLiad, you must first set up an account.

Go to ILLiad, and click on the First Time Users link. Here's a brief video tutorial about how to sign up.

Review the information about ILLiad; scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the First Time Users Click Here button. Read the next page and then click the button on the bottom of the page to complete the registration form. Please give us a street address so we can send materials to you by UPS. They will not accept a post office box. Be sure to provide your Loyola email address. ILLiad cannot send and receive communications with non-Loyola addresses.

Choose a username and password for the ILLiad system; to make it easier to remember, we suggest you use the same username and password as your Loyola email account.

If you do not know what your Loyola email address is, see the Logging In section below for more information.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to include the following:
Under Status, select Distance Ed Student, and then under Department, choose either Criminal Justice (off campus), Nursing (off campus), or LIMEX.