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Cross-Listing Courses in Canvas

What is Cross-Listing?

When a new course is created in LORA, it is sent to Canvas as a single course containing a single section. The Canvas course holds the content, submissions, and grades, but the section holds the student and teacher enrollments. Courses can be combined in Canvas by a process of Cross-listing. Cross-listing pulls a section out of the course in which it resides, and moves it into another course. The target course then holds two or more sections, and all the students in those sections can see the same course content and can be graded in the same grade book. Student and teacher enrollments are sent from LORA to Canvas by section, so enrollment adds and drops "follow" the section in Canvas, even if the section is moved from one course to another.

Caution: cross-listing or otherwise removing a section from a course deletes the submissions and grades associated with the students in that section!  For this reason, it is important never to cross-list a course after any student submissions and grades have been recorded. 

How to Cross-List a Section

Begin by identifying the course you want to move a section FROM and the course you want to move the section TO. You'll need to know the name of the course as displayed on your Canvas dashboard or list of courses. Then:

  1. On your Canvas dashboard or list of courses, click on the course you want to move the section FROM.
  2. Click on Settings near the bottom of the Course Menu.
  3. Click on Sections (near the top of the screen).
  4. Click on the name of the Section, listed in blue.
  5. Click the "Cross-List this Section" button that appears on the right side of the screen.
  6. Identify the course you want to send the section TO. You can type all or part of the name of a course in the box labelled "Search for the Course," or type the Course ID in the box labelled "Enter the Course's ID".
  7. Click the red "Cross-List this Section"  button. You won't be able to click the button until you've identified the target course to send the section to.
  8. A message saying "The section was successfully Cross-Listed" will appear near the top of the screen.

You will notice that the course you moved the section FROM has disappeared from your Canvas dashboard and list of courses. The course is still in Canvas, but your enrollment as a teacher moved with the section into the new course. If you open the target course, then click on Settings, then Sections, you'll see the section you just moved, along with any other sections that were in the course before that move.

CLICK HERE to see detailed instructions, with screenshots.