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History 2 Courses: Building the Annotated Bibliography

This guide is designed to support the creation of strong research bibliographies for projects in all History 2 sections -- a required course in the Loyola Core.


The guide includes videos to introduce what an annotated bibliography is and how to go about building a strong one; links to resources helpful to the process; an example of an annotated bibliography; and a short quiz to give you practice selecting sources for the annotated bibliography.

To progress through this guide, please do the following:

  • Watch each of the three videos.
  • Take the practice quiz on selecting sources for an annotated bibliography.
  • Look at the example annotated bibliographies to familiarize with the format.
  • Note the helpful links to resources for building an annotated bibliography for this class.

If you have any questions about these materials, or if you would like to consult with me as you conduct your research for the course, please feel free to connect with me by email or schedule an appointment.


Video 1: Introduction ~ Annotated Bibliographies