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Kaltura Media in Your Canvas Course (General): Home

Kaltura Media in Your Canvas Course

Kaltura is a media management suite that helps users to make and edit their own recordings, and provides access to shared media created by others. In Canvas, instructors can access Kaltura media in three different ways:

  • By clicking on "My Media" in the course menu. By default, items in My Media are private to the individual user. The owner of the items must take explicit steps to make items in My Media shareable with others.
  • By clicking on "Media Gallery" in the course menu. Items in the Media Gallery are visible to all users enrolled in the Canvas course. Instructors can add items to Media Gallery, and copy content from the Media Gallery of one course they teach into another.
  • By creating a link to an item in My Media, the Media Gallery, or Shared Repository (described below). The link can be created on a module page or in any other kind of Canvas content that is built using the Rich Content Editor.

In a Canvas course, you can create a link to the following types of content in Kaltura:

  • Recordings you've made in Kaltura.
  • Recordings in the Kaltura Shared Repository, mostly originating from DVDs and CDs owned by the Monroe Library.
  • Your Zoom recordings that have been forwarded to Kaltura.

The Shared Repository and creating links from Canvas are described in the linked guide. For general information about using Kaltura, visit the Kaltura page on the website of Loyola's Center for Teaching, Research, and Learning (CTRL).