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Sources of current, historical and thematic maps online and in print in the Monroe Library.

Maps - Research Guide introduction

Maps have been used as long as someone needed to go somewhere.  The Monroe Library maintains a collection of atlases, or pritned collections of maps.  The Library does not have sheet maps, like those from the U. S. Geological Survey.

If you need assistance locating a print map or atlas, please ask for a reference librarian at the Learning Commons Desk. 

Make Your Own Maps

Some projects need visual, geographic display of information.  Here are some tools that will create maps to your specifications and allow saving and/or embedding.  Some may require registration.  Your mileage may vary.

If you want to use GIS (geographic information system) to create maps, contact us at the Learning Commons Desk in person or at 504-864-7111.  Here is a list of open source GIS software from Wikipedia. 

Frequently Used