Looking for philosophy scholarship? Try one these specialized databases for journal articles, books, and more.
Often your topic require you to look beyond philosophy articles. When you need to draw from a range of subject areas, use QuickSearch to search broadly across disciplines and the library's many types of resources.
QuickSearch is also how to find books at Monroe Library, both print copies and ebooks.
We try to collect the most relevant books for the Loyola community, but we don't have everything you might need on our shelves. Consider checking for additional books held at Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, our neighbor at Tulane. Loyola students can check out Tulane library books with a TU/LU card, available at the Monroe Library Learning Commons desk.
You can also search beyond Loyola and Tulane to discover books, videos, music, and more held at libraries around the United States. We can often borrow these materials for you through the InterLibrary Loan (ILL) service.
Search WorldCat to find books at other libraries, and fill out an InterLibrary Loan request form to request it!