These accessibility standards are adapted with permission from Jesse Martinez's LibGuides Standards and Best Practices guide.
LibGuides are designed as an accessible, ADA-compliant platform. However, because individual LibGuides account holders have tremendous freedom to develop and publish content on the platform, LibGuides creators are responsible for ensuring their own content meets accessibility standards.
Use rich text Headings as indicators for sections and sub-sections in your guide. This not only provides hierarchical organization and formatting but also makes it easy for screen readers to scan and jump to different content areas.
One way in which online content is made more accessible is by affixing Alternate Text (ALT tags) to all images. Not only do ALT tags describe an image for audiences that cannot see the image and/or use screen reader technologies to navigate web pages, but they also provide image descriptions when an image fails to load due to limited internet speeds, connection interruptions, or other technical difficulties.