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Electronic Thesis Filing - Master of Music Therapy

Step 1 Overview: Create Your Cover Sheet

After presenting your scholarly project and receiving the approval of your committee members, the first step of preparing for filing with the Monroe Library is to create a cover sheet. This page will become the first page of your project, so it's important to make sure that the information included is correct and free of errors.

To create your cover sheet, you will need to:

1A. Gather the required information for your cover sheet
1B. Download a cover sheet template (provided below)
1C. Add required information to your cover sheet

Once you have completed these steps, you will have a completed cover sheet that you will use to gather required signatures in Step 2.

1A. Gather Required Information for Your Cover Sheet

To prepare your scholarly project submission, you'll need to have some information handy. Required information includes:

  • The title of your scholarly project
  • Degree and discipline
  • Your name as you would like for it to appear on your scholarly project
  • The date on which your scholarly project was approved by your committee: This date may be the date of your presentation or when it was accepted by your committee after revisions.
  • The names and titles of your committee chair and director of your program of study
  • Copyright information (choose one): All Rights Reserved OR Creative Commons license (CC-BY-NC)
    • The student retains copyright of their own thesis. Copyright occurred automatically when you created your thesis, but you may still wish to register with the Copyright Office to establish public record of the copyright claim. Regardless, appropriate copyright notice should be printed on the title page of your thesis. It should include
      • 1) the symbol © or the letter c in a circle, or the word “Copyright,”  
      • 2) year of first publication of the work, and 3) the name of the owner of the copyright.  An example is shown below.
        • © 2021, [Your Name]. All Rights Reserved.
    • You also have the option to release your thesis under a Creative Commons license in order to encourage reuse of your work. More info about the different categories of Creative Commons licenses is at
      • If you choose a CC license, you will need to include that info on your title page as well. While there are many types of CC licenses, we recommend Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial, which lets others "remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially" and "acknowledge you and be non-commercial."

If you are unsure about any of these or have questions about which options to select, please consult with your committee chair.

1B. Download Your Cover Sheet Template

Click on the link provided below to access the cover sheet template. You will need to be logged in with your Loyola University New Orleans Google account.

When the template opens, click File, then Download. Select Microsoft Word (.docx) from the drop-down menu to download the template to your computer.

1C. Add Your Information To Your Cover Sheet

Add the information that you gathered for Step 1A to your cover sheet template, including:

  1. The title of your scholarly project
  2. Your name as you would like to have it appear with your scholarly project
  3. Date of approval for your project (consult with your committee chair if needed)
  4. Name and title of your committee chair
  5. Verify the name and title of the program director
  6. Copyright information: Choose one; copy and paste the appropriate text below and add your name where it says [Your Name]
    • © 2021, [Your Name]. All Rights Reserved.
    • © 2021, [Your Name]. Licensed under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial 4.0 license,

Screenshot of DNP Scholarly Project cover sheet indicating Title, Name, Date, Committee Chair, Director of School of Nursing, and Copyright information

Proceed to Step 2

At this point, you should have the information for your project filled in on your cover sheet. Ensure that all components have been completed before proceeding to Step 2 to gather signatures and prepare your PDF file.

Click the button below to proceed to Step 2: Gather Signatures and Save Files in PDF.


Step 2

Need Assistance?

If you have any questions, need help with getting your cover sheet set up, or would like a librarian to review your cover sheet before proceeding to the next step, please send us a message.