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A guide to research resources for the study of English language and literature.

How to Find Poetry

To find works of poetry and works about poetry using QuickSearch or the library catalog, include the keyword POETRY with additional search terms like:

  • Author's name
  • Author's ethnicity or country of origin
  • Topic or theme

For example, a search for [ POETRY ] and [ PHILLIS WHEATLEY ] to retrieve collections of Wheatley's poetry as well as books and articles about her life and work.

A search for [ POETRY ] and [ CHOCTAW ] will retrieve works about Choctaw poets and their works.

You can also search for more specific kinds of poetry, such as EPIC POETRY, FREE VERSE, or SONNETS.

You can also use a specialized database to search for and browse poetry.

Use the Advanced Search feature in Literary Reference Plus to limit your results by Literary Genre. In this case, you can select Poetry to only retrieve works of poetry and works about poetry. You can also limit your search by Language, Author's Gender Identity and Cultural Identity.


Advanced Search screen with arrow pointing to Literary Genre field with "Poetry" is selected.

Poetry Reference

Something Special: Audio Recordings

Organizations and Magazines