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Citation Guide

A guide to citation styles and ethics, with tools to help organize and cite your sources.

APA Style

APA Style, created by the American Psychological Association, is commonly used in psychology and other social sciences. Typically APA citations are in-text parenthetical citations that include authors' last names and publication dates, with a complete list of references at the end of the paper. Check with your instructor for more specific instructions on how to format your assignment

Chicago Manual of Style

The Chicago Manual of Style is often used by scholars in the humanities and social sciences to format their writing. Historians and other humanities writers usually prefer the notes-bibliography version of Chicago, while social scientists are more likely to use the author-date version. Check with your instructor to find out which format is best for your project.

  • Notes-bibliography format uses footnotes or endnotes in the text, usually with a bibliography at the end.
  • Author-date format uses in-text parenthetical citations, with a bibliography at the end.

MLA Style

MLA Style, created by the Modern Language Association, is commonly used in literature courses in English and other languages. Typically MLA citations are in-text parenthetical citations that include authors' last names and publication dates, with a complete list of works cited at the end of the paper. Check with your instructor for more specific instructions on how to format your assignment.