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CMMN A455: Media and Gender: Mass Communication

APA Style

Finding Media Texts through the Monroe Library

Your critical response paper requires you to analyze a media text. Types of media texts include television or news programs, newspapers, movies, magazines, advertisements, and other organizational or public relations communications.

Below is a selection of library resources that are helpful for locating media texts. Use Journal Finder to determine if the library has access to a particular periodical, such as newspapers and magazines. What resources beyond the library are helpful for locating media texts?

Finding Secondary Sources

Your critical exploration assignment also requires that you cite a minimum of three secondary sources. At least two of the sources must be peer-reviewed, scholarly research articles. You must include copies of these articles. Typically these sources must be accessed through the library.

Depending on your topic, you may want to visit Research Guides on other subject areas. Determine if the full text of an article is available by using Journal Finder. You can request an interlibrary loan for materials that the library does not own.