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Mass Communication


In these databases you'll find articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers. Some databases provide the full text of articles and other provide citations only. If only a citation is provided, use the Get it! button to see if the full text is available through another library resource.

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To find books on Mass Communication, search the library's catalog. To borrow books owned by Tulane University's library, you can ask for a TULU card at the Monroe Library desk. You can request an interlibrary loan for materials that the library does not own.

Some of the most commonly used locations for Mass Communication books in the library are:

3rd floor

HD59-59.6 Public relations. Industrial publicity

HE8689-8700.95 Radio and television broadcasting

HF5801-6182 Advertising

PN1990-1992.92 Broadcasting

PN4699-5650 Journalism. The periodical press, etc. 

TK5101-6720 Telecommunication

TR 820 Photojournalism

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