In these databases you'll find scholarly research and popular articles on computer science from journals, magazines, and newspapers. Some provide the full text of articles and others provide citations only. If only a citation is provided, use the Get it! button to see if the full text is available through another library resource. To find books on computer science and related fields, search the library's catalog. You may also want to visit the lists for mathematics, physics, the biological sciences, and chemistry.
The library provides both scholarly journals and trade magazines in computer science. See the list below to locate them by subtopic or to view the complete list. It is always more productive, however, to use one of the indexes above to locate individual articles. Please ask for assistance at the Learning Commons Desk or contact the library liaison.
The library has many print and online books on computational science. Use our online catalog to look for books by author, by title, or by subject. A reference librarian will be glad to assist you if needed. However, not all books on computers and computing are in a single location. Books on the use of computers in a field are with other books on that field, e.g., education, nursing, etc.
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If you're interested in Computational Science, these subjects may also be helpful for your research.