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Getting Started With JMP® from the company that created JMP. Includes links to their JMP Learning Library and On-Demand Webcasts.
General books on statistics use and theory in the Monroe Library.
Blastland, Michael. The numbers game : the commonsense guide to understanding numbers in the news, in politics, and in life. QA141.15 .B535 2009.
Boslaugh, Sarah. Statistics in a nutshell. QA276.12 .B67 2012.
DeMaris, Alfred. Regression with social data : modeling continuous and limited response variables. HA31.3 .D46 2004.
Flindt, Rainer. Amazing numbers in biology. E-BOOK 2006.
Kahneman, Daniel. Thinking, fast and slow. BF441 .K238 2011.
Klein, Grady. The cartoon introduction to statistics. QA276 .K544 2013.
Morling, Beth. Research methods in psychology : evaluating a world of information. BF76.5 .M667 2012.
Nikulin, M. S. Probability, statistics, and modelling in public health. E-BOOK 2006.
Reinhart, Alex. Statistics done wrong : the woefully complete guide. 2015. [On order June 15, 2015].
Robinson, Matthew B. Lies, damned lies, and drug war statistics : a critical analysis of claims made by the office of National Drug Control Policy. HV5825 .R63 2007.
Schay, Geza. Introduction to probability with statistical applications E-BOOK 2007.
Wheelan, Charles J. Naked statistics : stripping the dread from the data. QA276 .W458 2013.
Weisburd, David, Chester L. Britt. Statistics in criminal justice. E-BOOK 2007.