Academic social networks can be used to create a profile, add friends and make connections, comment, contribute to discussion boards, etc. Read Terms of Service carefully to make sure you retain the rights to any of your work that you post on these sites, and make sure you have the rights to share your work on the site.
Take advantage of Loyola's marketing and PR resources to further promote your research.
Once you've measured the impact of your scholarly output, you should use your metrics to further promote yourself. Citation and altmetrics can be used to improve promotion and tenure applications, CVs and resumes, grant applications, and sabbatical and research leave applications.
Adapted under a CC-BY 4.0 license from the The 30-Day Impact Challenge: The Ultimate Guide to Raising the Profile of Your Research eBook published by and authored by Stacy Konkiel, and the Duquesne University 5-Day Impact Challenge.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.