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Blackboard Essentials: Find a Course

Blackboard Essentials for Instructors

Finding a Course

Finding A Course

After logging into Blackboard, click on the word "Courses" in the gray panel on the left side of the screen. You will then see a page that looks something like this:

Blackboard Courses Page with red circles indicating specific areas that are mentioned in explanatory text

You'll see your courses listed, generally in alphabetical order by title. You should leave the page set to display "Current Courses," a setting near the top center of the screen, and leave the display filter, just a little below and to the left of that, set to "All Courses." In the list of courses, if you click the little down-arrow located right next to the words "More info," the course ID number will be displayed. If you have a long list of courses, you can type all or part of the title or Course ID in the box where it says "Search your courses."  The display will then be limited to courses matching the text you typed in. You can click on the star icon, to the right a course title, to mark that course as a favorite, or click the icon again to remove the course from the list of favorites. Favorite courses are always shown near the top of your list of courses.

The icon that looks like three dots in a horizontal row is important because you can use it to manage whether or not students can see the contents of your course. If you click on the three dots, you should see a pop-up that looks like this:

Pop-up indicating that the course is open to to students

The little padlock icon appears to be unlocked, and the option that's available is to change that to mark the course as private. This means that the course is currently open to students.

You need to take corrective action if you click on the three dots and see something like this:

Pop-up indicating that the course is closed to students

The padlock icon is closed, indicating that students are locked out of the course, and the option available to you is to click on "Open Course" to unlock it. If you click on "Open Course," you'll see this pop-up:

Pop-up with option to open the course to students

Click on the button labeled "Open to Students" to unlock the course so students can see the course contents.



CLICK HERE for more information on managing your list of courses.

CLICK HERE to watch a video on basic Blackboard navigation.

CLICK HERE to visit Blackboard's Help regarding the Courses page.